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第一章 总则

第一条 为切实保护金融消费者合法权益,不断优化金融服务,维护区域金融稳定,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》等法律规定,结合我市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称金融消费者,是指在金融机构购买金融产品或者接受金融服务的自然人。


第三条 金融消费者权益保护工作实行属地管辖、分级负责、便民高效、风险可控的原则。

第四条 市政府设立的鹰潭市金融消费者权益保护工作领导小组(以下简称领导小组),全面领导、组织协调金融消费者权益保护工作,决定金融消费者权益保护工作中的重大事项,研究解决疑难问题。



第五条 金融机构与金融消费者进行交易或者为金融消费者提供服务,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则。

第二章 金融消费者的权利

第六条 金融消费者享有知悉其购买的金融产品或者接受的金融服务的真实情况的权利。



第七条 金融消费者享有自主选择金融机构、金融产品或者金融服务的权利。

第八条 金融消费者在购买金融产品或者接受金融服务时,有获得机会均等、自愿交易、收费合理等公平交易的权利。

第九条 金融消费者享有个人隐私和消费信息受保护的权利。


第十条 金融消费者有权检举、控告金融机构损害金融消费者权益的行为,有权对鹰潭市金融消费者权益保护工作提出批评、建议。

第三章 金融机构的义务

第十一条 金融机构向金融消费者提供金融产品或者金融服务,应当遵守《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》、《中华人民共和国证券法》、《中华人民共和国保险法》等金融法律规定,并遵守《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》、《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》、《中华人民共和国广告法》等相关法律规定。


第十二条 金融机构提供的金融产品或者金融服务,必须以明确的格式、内容、语言向金融消费者披露,必须对产品服务和风险进行充分的信息披露和风险揭示,使得金融消费者可以充分了解金融产品或者金融服务的内容和效果,对金融机构提供的金融产品或者金融服务做出正确的评价,确保金融消费者在购买金融产品或者接受金融服务前已知晓并理解相关风险。


第十三条 金融机构对金融消费者购买金融产品或者接受金融服务的申请,应当在规定时间内办理;拒绝金融消费者有关申请的,必须及时告知申请人,并向其说明理由。

第十四条 金融机构提供金融产品或者金融服务,应当按照有关规定向金融消费者出具交易凭证或者服务单据。

第十五条 金融机构不得以格式合同、通知、声明、告示等方式作出对金融消费者不公平、不合理的规定或者减轻、免除其损害金融消费者合法权益应当承担的民事责任。

第十六条 金融机构应当组织开展金融知识普及活动,提高金融消费者正确识别风险、自我保护的意识和能力。

第十七条 金融机构应当建立健全金融消费者投诉处理机制,对外公布投诉方式,设立专门机构或指定内设机构负责金融消费者投诉处理工作。


第四章 对金融消费者权益的保护

第十八条 权益保护中心(分中心)受理下列金融消费者申诉事项:









第十九条 金融消费者认为其权益受到损害而与金融机构发生争议的,可以通过下列途径解决:







第二十条 金融消费者向权益保护中心(分中心)申诉,应当符合下列条件:






第二十一条 金融消费者可以通过口头或书面形式,采取来电、来函、来访等方式提出申诉。权益保护中心(分中心)设置申诉登记表。登记表由申诉人在提起申诉时填写;以电话方式提起申诉的,由权益保护中心(分中心)的工作人员通过电话询问如实填写,并将事后补交的文字材料附后。申诉登记表应当包括下列内容:






第二十二条 收到申诉登记表或者口头申诉,对符合本办法第二十条的申诉,应当受理,属于下列情形的,不予受理:










第二十三条 权益保护中心(分中心)受理金融消费者申诉后,可以采取协商调处、转送、移送等方式办理。


第二十四条 受转送、移送单位按照要求对权益保护中心(分中心)转送、移送的申诉事项进行处理后,应在5个工作日内向申诉人告知办理结果,同时向权益保护中心(分中心)反馈办理情况。

第二十五条 对下列金融消费者申诉事项,权益保护中心(分中心)受理并登记后,根据业务范围分送人民银行相关部门处理后,向申诉人回复:







第二十六条 对于下列金融消费者申诉事项,权益保护中心(分中心)受理并登记后,转送并督促、责令或协调相关银行业金融机构处理,向申诉人回复:






第二十七条 对于第二十五条、第二十六条规定以外的与银行业金融机构有关的金融消费者申诉事项,权益保护中心(分中心)受理并登记后,移送本级银行业监督管理部门办理。




第二十八条 权益保护中心(分中心)受理申诉后,可以采取以下措施向金融机构了解申诉争议情况:






第二十九条 权益保护中心(分中心)向被申诉的金融机构进行电话询问、现场询问的,被申诉的金融机构受理申诉人员应当如实提供相关情况,询问人应制作询问笔录。



第三十条 调查人员可以对可能被转移、隐藏、篡改或者毁损的文件、资料予以先行登记保存。调查人员先行登记保存文件、资料时,应当会同在场的金融机构工作人员查点清楚,当场开列《调查证据登记保存通知书》。

第三十一条 权益保护中心(分中心)对金融消费者申诉事项进行协商调处,应当在受理之日起7个工作日内办结,并向申诉人告知办理结果。因特殊情况不能在7个工作日内办结的,经权益保护中心(分中心)负责人批准,可延期10日办理。

第三十二条 对申诉处理结果的回复,权益保护中心(分中心)可以采取以下方式:






第三十三条 金融机构接到权益保护中心(分中心)转送的申诉事项后,应当进行登记,及时安排人员对申诉事项进行调查,必要时约见当事人,合理进行协商调处。

第三十四条 权益保护中心(分中心)对金融消费者申诉事项进行协商调处后,应当对申诉者进行跟踪回访,确保调处落实到位。

第三十五条 金融消费者对调处、调解结果不满意或者有关纠纷无法调处的,可以依法申请仲裁或者提起诉讼。

第三十六条 权益保护中心开设申诉电话0701-6221315,向社会公布,并安排专人值守,在规定工作时间内接受金融消费者的电话申诉。各权益保护分中心结合本县(市)实际,相应设立申诉电话,并向社会公布,接受金融消费者申诉。

第三十七条 对存在损害金融消费者权益行为的金融机构,依据具体情形,由相关金融监管部门采取下列处理措施:







第三十八条 金融消费者权益保护工作应当完善外部监督机制。通过邀请高校专家、媒体记者、消协成员、消费者代表等担任特约监督员,加强对金融消费者权益保护工作的舆论监督、社会监督;通过由权益保护中心(分中心)牵头适时开展金融消费侵权行为集中整治活动,披露损害金融消费者权益的不当行为和典型案例,扩大金融消费者权益保护的社会影响面。

第三十九条 权益保护中心(分中心)应当高度重视媒体舆情监测工作,及时掌握社会各界对金融消费者权益保护工作的反应、评价和态度,对有关负面信息快速反应,妥善处理;应当建立金融消费者权益保护突发事件报告和应急处理制度,确保金融体系正常运行;应当协调领导小组各成员单位开展宣传教育活动,提高金融消费者的风险防范和维权意识;应当加强向地方政府的汇报,密切与领导小组各成员单位的沟通联系,争取工作主动。

第四十条 领导小组各成员单位之间应当建立联席会议制度等沟通协调机制,定期交换金融消费者权益保护相关信息,披露损害金融消费者权益的行为和案例,搭建信息共享平台,共同打击金融机构侵权行为,维护金融消费者合法权益。

第五章 金融消费者权益保护工作的评价

第四十一条 为确保金融消费者权益保护工作的有效开展,权益保护中心(分中心)应当根据金融机构解决金融消费争议的情况,对金融机构开展金融消费者权益保护工作情况进行评价,评价工作应当遵循客观、公正、民主、公开的原则。评价指标包括金融机构被申诉数量、申诉办结率、金融消费者对金融机构解决争议的满意度等指标,以及是否落实专门机构、人员并由专职领导负责,是否建立相关制度、有完整的办事程序等。评价结果定期向社会公布,并向被评价机构及其上级机关反馈。金融消费者权益保护工作情况评价结果纳入人民银行对金融机构的综合评价系统。对于机构健全、措施得力、评价得分较高的金融机构,将予以通报表彰;对不负责任、不配合、机构制度不健全、虚与应付、满意率低的金融机构将向社会曝光。

第四十二条 评价各项指标的取得和计算:





第六章 附则

第四十三条 辖内小额贷款公司、农村资金互助社等非金融机构参照本办法相关规定执行。

第四十四条 辖内各县(市)可依照本办法制定具体的实施方案。

第四十五条 本办法实施中的具体问题由鹰潭市金融消费者权益保护工作领导小组负责解释。

第四十六条 本办法自公布之日起施行。

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第一章 总 则
第一条 为了加强实验动物的管理工作,保证实验动物质量,适应科学研究、经济建设和社会发展的需要,制定本条例。
第二条 本条例所称实验动物,是指经人工饲育,对其携带的微生物实行控制,遗传背景明确或者来源清楚的,用于科学研究、教学、生产、检定以及其他科学实验的动物。
第三条 本条例适用于从事实验动物的研究、保种、饲育、供应、应用、管理和监督的单位和个人。
第四条 实验动物的管理,应当遵循统一规划、合理分工,有利于促进实验动物科学研究和应用的原则。
第五条 国家科学技术委员会主管全国实验动物工作。
第六条 国家实行实验动物的质量监督和质量合格认证制度。具体办法由国家科学技术委会另行制定。
第七条 实验动物遗传学、微生物学、营养学和饲育环境等方面的国家标准由国家技术监督局制定。

第二章 实验动物的饲育管理
第八条 从事实验动物饲育工作的单位,必须根据遗传学、微生物学、营养学和饲育环境方面的标准,定期对实验动物进行质量监测。各项作业过程和监测数据应有完整、准确的记录,并建立统计报告制度。
第九条 实验动物的饲育室、实验室应设在不同区域,并进行严格隔离。
第十条 实验动物的保种、饲育应采用国内或国外认可的品种、品系,并持有效的合格证书。
第十一条 实验动物必须按照不同来源,不同品种、品系和不同的实验目的,分开饲养。
第十二条 实验动物分为四级:一级,普通动物;二级,清洁动物;三级,无特定病原体动物;四级,无菌动物。
第十三条 实验动物必须饲喂质量合格的全价饲料。霉烂、变质、虫蛀、污染的饲料,不得用于饲喂实验动物。直接用作饲料的蔬菜、水果等,要经过清洗消毒,并保持新鲜。
第十四条 一级实验动物的饮水,应当符合城市生活饮水的卫生标准。二、三、四级实验动物的饮水,应当符合城市生活饮水的卫生标准并经灭菌处理。
第十五条 实验动物的垫料应当按照不同等级实验动物的需要,进行相应处理,达到清洁、干燥、吸水、无毒、无虫、无感染源、无污染。

第三章 实验动物的检疫和传染病控制
第十六条 对引入的实验动物,必须进行隔离检疫。
第十七条 对必须进行预防接种的实验动物,应当根据实验要求或者按照《家畜家禽防疫条例》的有关规定,进行预防接种,但用作生物制品原料的实验动物除外。
第十八条 实验动物患病死亡的,应当及时查明原因,妥善处理,并记录在案。

第四章 实验动物的应用
第十九条 应用实验动物应当根据不同的实验目的,选用相应的合格实验动物。申报科研课题和鉴定科研成果,应当把应用合格实验动物作为基本条件。应用不合格实验动物取得的检定或者安全评价结果无效,所生产的制品不得使用。
第二十条 供应用的实验动物应当具备下列完整的资料:
第二十一条 实验动物的运输工作应当有专人负责。实验动物的装运工具应当安全、可靠。不得将不同品种、品系或者不同等级的实验动物混合装运。

第五章 实验动物的进口与出口管理
第二十二条 从国外进口作为原种的实验动物,应附有饲育单位负责人签发的品系和亚系名称以及遗传和微生物状况等资料。
第二十三条 实验动物工作单位从国外进口实验动物原种,必须向国家科学技术委员会指定的保种、育种质量监控单位登记。
第二十四条 出口实验动物,必须报国家科学技术委员会审批。经批准后,方可办理出口手续。
第二十五条 进口、出口实验动物的检疫工作,按照《中华人民共和国进出口动植物检疫条例》的规定办理。

第六章 从事实验动物工作的人员
第二十六条 实验动物工作单位应当根据需要,配备科技人员和经过专业培训的饲育人员。各类人员都要遵守实验动物饲育管理的各项制度,熟悉、掌握操作规程。
第二十七条 地方各级实验动物工作的主管部门,对从事实验动物工作的各类人员,应当逐步实行资格认可制度。
第二十八条 实验动物工作单位对直接接触实验动物的工作人员,必须定期组织体格检查。对患有传染性疾病,不宜承担所做工作的人员,应当及时调换工作。
第二十九条 从事实验动物工作的人员对实验动物必须爱护,不得戏弄或虐待。

第七章 奖励与处罚
第三十条 对长期从事实验动物饲育管理,取得显著成绩的单位或者个人,由管理实验动物工作的部门给予表彰或奖励。
第三十一条 对违反本条例规定的单位,由管理实验动物工作的部门视情节轻重,分别给予警告、限期改进、责令关闭的行政处罚。
第三十二条 对违反本条例规定的有关工作人员,由其所在单位视情节轻重,根据国家有关规定,给予行政处分。

第八章 附 则
第三十三条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和国务院有关部门,可以根据本条例,结合具体情况,制定实施办法。
第三十四条 本条例由国家科学技术委员会负责解释。
第三十五条 本条例自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on October 31, 1988 and promulgated
by Decree No. 2 of the State Science and Technology Commission on November
14, 1988)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the
administration of and guaranteeing the quality of experimental animals so
as to meet the needs of scientific research, economic construction and
social development.
Article 2
The term "experimental animals" used in these Regulations refers to
animals which are artificially fed and bred, the micro-organisms on or in
whose bodies are kept under control, whose genetic backgrounds are
definite or whose sources are clear, and which are to be used in
scientific research, teaching, production, examination and verification
and other scientific experiments.
Article 3
These Regulations shall apply to units and individuals that are engaged in
the research in, and the conservative of breeds, feeding and breeding,
supply, use, administration and supervision of experimental animals.
Article 4
The administration of experimental animals shall be guided by the
principle of unified planning, rational division of work and being
beneficial to the promotion of the scientific research in, and the
utilization of, experimental animals.
Article 5
The State Science and Technology Commission shall be in charge of the work
throughout China with respect to experimental animals.
The science and technology commissions of the provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be
in charge of the work in their respective regions with respect to
experimental animals.
The various departments under the State Council of the People's Republic
of China shall be in charge of the administration of the work in their
respective departments with respect to experimental animals.
Article 6
The State shall institute a system of supervision over the quality of
experimental animals and of attestation of the up-to-standard quality of
experimental animals. The specific procedures in this respect shall be
separately formulated by the State Science and Technology Commission.
Article 7
The national standards in respect of genetics, microbiology, nutriology
and the feeding and breeding environment concerning experimental animals
shall be formulated by the State Bureau of Technology Supervision.

Chapter II The Administration of the Feeding and Breeding of Ex- perimental Animals
Article 8
Units that are engaged in the work of feeding and breeding experimental
animals shall, in accordance with the standards in respect of genetics,
microbiology, nutriology and the feeding and breeding environment,
exercise regular quality monitoring over experimental animals.
Comprehensive and accurate records shall be kept of the various work
processes and of the data derived from the monitoring and a statistical
report system shall be established.
Article 9
Feeding and breeding rooms and laboratories for experimental animals shall
be built in different areas and each shall be kept in strict isolation.
There shall be scientific management systems and operating rules for
feeding and breeding rooms and laboratories for experimental animals.
Article 10
With respect to the conservation of breeds and the feeding and breeding of
experimental animals, breeds and strains of breeds that are domestically
or internationally approved shall be adopted, with certificates attesting
their being up to standard.
Article 11
Experimental animals shall be fed separately in accordance with their
different sources, different breeds, different strains of breeds and
different experimental purposes.
Article 12
Experimental animals shall be fed with wholesome feed that is up to
standard in quality, animals, the second, clean animals, the third,
animals carrying no specific pathogens and the fourth, animals carrying no
Experimental animals of different classes shall be administered in
accordance with the corresponding standards for controlling micro-
Article 13
Experimental animals shall be fed with wholesome feed that is up to
standard in quality. No feed that has become mouldy and rotten, or
deteriorated in quality, or moth-eaten or polluted may be used for feeding
experimental animals. Green vegetables and fruit that are to be fed
directly to experimental animals shall be washed clean and sterilized and
shall be kept fresh.
Article 14
The drinking water for experimental animals of the first class shall
measure up to the hygiene standards of urban drinking water. The drinking
water for experimental animals of the second, third and fourth classes
shall measure up to the hygiene standards of urban drinking water and
undergo treatment to kill bacteria.
Article 15
The cushioning materials for experimental animals shall, based on the
needs of different classes of experimental animals, be treated accordingly
so that they shall be clean, dry, absorptive of water, poison-free, pest-
free, infection-free and pollution-free.

Chapter III The Quarantine of Experimental Animals and the Control of Their Infectious Diseases
Article 16
Experimental animals that are newly introduced shall be subject to
quarantine in isolation. Wild animals that are captured for the purpose of
supplementing the sources of breeds or developing new breeds shall be
subject to quarantine in isolation in the very localities where they are
captured and a certificate to that effect issued by the animal quarantine
department shall be obtained. When a wild animal is carried to the place
where experimental animals are kept, it shall be subject to quarantine
once again before it is allowed into a feeding and breeding room for
experimental animals.
Article 17
Experimental animals that must take preventive inoculations shall, in
accordance with the requirements of experiments or with the relevant
provisions of the Regulations for the Immunization of Poultry and Other
Domestic Animals, undergo such inoculations, with the exception of those
experimental animals that are to be used as materials for biological
Article 18
When an experimental animal dies of an illness, the cause shall be
investigated and ascertained in good time, and the case shall be properly
handled and kept on file. When an experimental animal contracts an
infectious disease, it shall, depending on the circumstances, be destroyed
or given medical treatment in isolation immediately. Experimental animals
that are likely to be infected shall undergo emergency preventive
inoculations. Strict sterilization measures shall be taken for areas
inside and outside the feeding and breeding room and the case shall be
reported to the higher authority for the administration of experimental
animals and to the local animal quarantine and epidemic prevention unit so
that emergency preventive measures shall be taken to prevent the spread of
the disease.

Chapter IV The Utilization of Experimental Animals
Article 19
In the utilization of experimental animals, only the related ones that are
up to standard shall be selected in accordance with the different purposes
of the respective experiments. The use of up-to-standard experimental
animals shall be taken as one of the basic requirements in the research
projects submitted for approval and in assessing the results of such
projects. If experimental animals that come short of standard are used,
the results of examination and safety assessment thus obtained shall be
null and void and the products thus made shall not be used.
Article 20
With respect to an experimental animal that is to be utilized, the
following comprehensive data shall be required:
1) the exact names of the breed, strain and subline;
2) its genetic background or its source;
3) the state concerning the examination of the micro-organisms it carries;
4) a certificate attesting its being up to standard; and
5) the signature of the person in charge of the feeding and breeding unit.
In default of the aforesaid data, no experimental animals may be used.
Article 21
The transport of experimental animals shall be put in the charge of
persons specially appointed therefor. The means of transport for
experimental animals shall be safe and reliable. No experimental animals
of different breeds, strains or sublines may be mixed together in

Chapter V Administration of the Import and Export of Experimental Animals
Article 22
An experimental animal that is imported from abroad as an element breed
shall be accompanied by data duly signed by the person in charge of the
feeding and breeding unit, concerning the names of the breed and the
strain and the information concerning its heredity and the micro-organisms
it carries.
In default of the aforesaid data, no experimental animals may be imported
or used.
Article 23
When importing from abroad experimental animals as element breeds, units
dealing with experimental animals shall register with the unit designated
by the State Science and Technology Commission for the conservation of
breeds, breeding and quality control with respect to the said animals.
Article 24
The export of experimental animals shall be subject to examination and
approval by the State Science and Technology Commission. The export
procedures shall be handled only after such approval has been obtained.
With respect to the export of experimental animals developed from using
wild animals that enjoy the priority of State protection, the export
procedures shall be handled only after an export licence has been obtained
in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State.
Article 25
The quarantine of import and export experimental animals shall be handled
in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the People's
Republic of China Concerning the Quarantine of Import and Export of
Animals and Plants.

Chapter VI Personnel Dealing with Experimental Animals
Article 26
Units dealing with experimental animals shall, according to the needs, be
staffed with technical personnel and specially trained personnel for the
feeding and breeding thereof. Personnel of various kinds shall all abide
by the various rules and regulations concerning the administration of the
feeding and breeding of experimental animals and shall be acquainted with,
and have a good mastery of, the operating rules.
Article 27
Competent authorities at various levels in various localities in charge of
the work with respect to experimental animals shall gradually institute a
qualifying system for personnel of various kinds dealing with experimental
Article 28
Units dealing with experimental animals shall regularly organize physical
check-ups for the working personnel who are in direct contact with
experimental animals. Those who have contracted infectious diseases and
are no longer suitable for their jobs shall be transferred in good time.
Article 29
Personnel dealing with experimental animals shall protect these animals
and may not play with or maltreat them.

Chapter VII Rewards and Penalties
Article 30
Units and individuals that are long engaged in the feeding and breeding
and administration of experimental animals and have scored remarkable
achievements shall be praised or rewarded by the department in charge of
the administration of the work with respect to experimental animals.
Article 31
With respect to units that violate the provisions of these Regulations,
the department in charge of the administration of the work with respect to
experimental animals shall, in accordance with the seriousness of the
cases, impose on them such administrative sanctions as giving a warning,
setting a deadline for them to improve their work or ordering them to
close down.
Article 32
Working personnel concerned who violate the provisions of these
Regulations shall be given administrative sanctions by the units where
they belong in accordance with the seriousness of the cases and with the
pertinent provisions of the State.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 33
The people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the Central Government and the departments
concerned under the State Council of the People's Republic of China may,
in accordance with these Regulations and in line with the actualities,
formulate procedures of implementation. The administration of the work
with respect to experimental animals in the armed forces shall be governed
with reference to these Regulations.
Article 34
The State Science and Technology Commission shall be responsible for the
interpretation of these Regulations.
Article 35
These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.








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